----- On Feb 17, 2021, at 8:07 AM, Sean Donelan <sean@donelan.com> wrote:
On Wed, 17 Feb 2021, Andy Ringsmuth wrote:
Not sure where you’re finding those numbers but I believe they are not accurate. U.S. Energy Information Administration (part of the Department of Energy)
https://www.eia.gov/electricity/monthly/epm_table_grapher.php?t=epmt_5_6_a According to their table, CA residential prices are 22.26 cent/kwh. Right.
It's easy to get to low numbers if you don't take into account the number of subsidized customers, and all of the other fees that crooks at PG&E add to their pricing. Here is a more accurate picture, taken directly from my energy bill. I have solar, so I picked a month that had little "return" traffic. With apologies to those on the list who still use mutt/pine etc. But wait, there's more! This does not include the Silicon Valley Clean Energy Electric Generation Charges. So I am paying a grand total of $239.14 for 656.928 KwH of electricity. That makes 36.4 cents per KwH. It gets even better. For a month in the summer: Do you see that? My solar panels produced more power than I used, and I'm *still* paying PG&E. This (admittedly anecdotal) evidence clearly proves that the Dept of Energy's table is cherry-picked bollocks. My rate is 163% of their "average". Thanks, Sabri