I'm an idiot, teach me to work late at night. Of course the phone numbers are in the rwhois database, I just overlooked them. In any event, I have two URL's for you: http://www.ufp.org/~bicknell/rwhois.cgi http://www.ufp.org/~bicknell/rwhois.txt The first is a web script you can run and get pretty web output. Browse whois data in a clickable fashion. The second is a link so you can download the script itself and run it on your own web server. There is an added bonus to this method, if you invoke the script from the command line yourself it prints output that looks just like whois. It does not understand the "whois" syntax, unfortunately, but a straight query like "./rwhois.cgi dimension.net" will return the expected output. This allows you to drop in an rwhois client where you need to parse whois style output. I'm still having a problem where I get connection refused far too often running this script. At the moment I'm not sure if it's a perl bug, an mod IO::Socket::INET bug, a busy server, or programmer error. If you figure out how to fix that please let me know. I'm curious if anyone will find this useful, and/or if I just duplicated stuff that was already available. If it is useful I can probably extend it more, right now it's pretty utilitarian. -- Leo Bicknell - bicknell@dimension.net Network Engineer (CCIE #3440) - Dimension Enterprises 1-703-709-7500, fax, 1-703-709-7699