All of the recent list traffic got me thinking about why people aren't upgrading. Maybe some insight? I have several name servers. I have inherited them from admins that didn't seem to know what they were doing and I cannot upgrade one of them at all. It would require a total rebuild. I have upgraded the rest to 8.2.3. Another reason I haven't put more effort into it, is because I am waiting for two brand spanking new servers to arrive. I don't have the time to rebuild a name server I will trash in less than a week. Russian Roulette, I know. Is it pretty common to be understaffed and overworked? I can't believe I just asked that. I am always overworked with next to no help, but it seems that recently things are worse. Is that true all around? Anyone else in similar situations? Also, anyone else see a HUGE increase in scans for port 53? I mean out of control scans. jas