Hi Matt,
Is there a master list of AS #'s with ROUTING contacts, rather than the fuzzy admin type contacts that get listed in whois? Right about now, I'm still searching for information myself, but I'll put as much forward as I can.
Obviously there is the AS info at the internic, plus various registration entries for various networks in the various RRs. One thing that those of us interested (sean@dra,loco/jonh@isi,etc...) in inter-provider communication have asked for is a common place to air connectivity and routing problems. Craig Labovitz@Merit is doing a darned good job of making this a reality. Another thing we've asked for is a more real time updated contact list. However, having just left a company where I was the contact for most all routing, I don't see an easy way for my name to be swept away. So, the answer to your question is not really, but it would be nice if there was a more highly utilized central authority for such things. I liked what chris@nap.net said about self regulation and all. I trust the political types take it to heart. -alan