1 Jun
1 Jun
4:56 a.m.
On 31/05/2018 21:44, John Peach wrote:
On 05/31/2018 02:37 PM, Dan Hollis wrote:
On Thu, 31 May 2018, bzs@theworld.com wrote:
FWIW a German court has just ruled against ICANN's injunction and in favor of Tucows/EPAG. https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-4-2018-05-30-en
Welcome to contact-free whois?
Already been bitten by it and trying to get the contact info reinstated.
The entire whois debacle will only get resolved when some hackers attack www.eugdpr.org, ec.europa.eu and some other key .eu sites. When the response they get will be "sorry, we can't determine who is attacking you since that contravenes GDPR", will the EU light bulb go on that something in GDPR needs to be tweaked. -Hank