Click for instance <http://read.cs.ucla.edu/click/>
Thanks for being oh-so-helpful with a serious question. Got any useful answers for me? Give me a vendor that offers your suggestion. I don't have time for a make-it-myself solution.
Sorry, but you're in the wrong place. The IP networking consultants are over thataway, and if you pay them a nice daily fee they will sort out your problem for you. But if you want free suggestions, then you'll have to put up with half answers, vendor fanboys, and the usual ruckus of NANOG. --Michael Dillon P.S. that was a serious suggestion up above. If you have an interest in software routers, then you should look at it. If you just want to buy products then all routers are software routers, most especially the ones that depend on something called IOS or Junos. Focus on the capabilities that you need and the prices. Don't try to be pretend to be a router designer.