On 11 March 2015 at 11:04, Aled Morris <aledm@qix.co.uk> wrote:
Can't find a definitive reference but this concurs with my recollection of a policy introduced in 2009:
Better reference: http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/newsroom/cf/document.cfm?doc_id=1674 1.3. Availability of 112 from mobile handsets without SIM cards By way of complementary information, the countries were invited to indicate whether SIM-less 112 calls were allowed. Out of the 31 countries that provided this information, SIM-less 112 calls were reported possible in 19 Member States, Norway and Iceland. The remaining eight Member States that do not provide this facility are Bulgaria, Germany (in both these countries the facility was removed in 2009), the Netherlands (removing the facility in 2011) Belgium, France, Romania, Slovenia, and the United Kingdom. Several Member States chose to remove this facility because of the high proportion of hoax calls originating from SIM less phones. Aled