Guarantee there's no BLISS-32 on Johnny's machine. The source to the LAT software he's talking to *may* be in BLISS-36. It's more likely in MACRO-10. -r (does this gray hair make me look old?) George Michaelson <ggm@algebras.org> writes:
Dec gave you the source on Microfiche. If you want to change LAT just read, and find your Bliss32 compiler.
On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 9:04 PM, Scott Whyte <swhyte@gmail.com> wrote:
On 6/29/15 20:17, Johnny Eriksson wrote:
Javier Henderson <javier@kjsl.org> wrote:
Or XNS. On the other hand, people did have a nice career with
SNA...but they weren't trying to push packets over the
.daytime Monday 29-Jun-2015 20:10:46
.pjob Job 3 at ODEN User BYGG [10,335] TTY4
.where tty4 LAT PC78(LATD for FreeBSD) TTY4
Is there anyting wrong with LAT?
err, its been awhile. Doesn't LAT have a 1 sec timeout that's not configurable?