Im not talking about spammer networks im talking about script kiddie networks. We already have several systems for dealing with spammers but none for script kiddies. (I cant be the only person who sees a problem with this picture?)
What I was saying is that they had already set up some type of blackhole system that I was lead to believe they were doing at the router level (not mail system level). When they had us blackhole, we couldn't get past their core routers. I know your next thougt is that they just threw us into their route filter, but my understanding is that they offered a service that you subscribed to and the updated the filter on the fly. Which sounds like it would work for what you may be looking for in the "kiddie script network" scenario (which I assume means either IRC crapola or DOS crapola in general) or those wonderful .ru sites serving out that hardcore kiddie porn stuff via cgi calls. -----Original Message----- From: Mark Borchers [mailto:mborchers@splitrock.net] Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 12:30 PM To: 'nanog@merit.edu' Subject: RE: RBL-type BGP service for known rogue networks? The picture of a script-kiddie-tolerant network eludes me. Do you have data to show that they are NOT evenly dispersed around the Internet?
-----Original Message----- From: Dan Hollis [mailto:goemon@sasami.anime.net] Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 2:22 PM To: Karyn Ulriksen Cc: 'nanog@merit.edu' Subject: RE: RBL-type BGP service for known rogue networks?
Im not talking about spammer networks im talking about script kiddie networks. We already have several systems for dealing with spammers but none for script kiddies. (I cant be the only person who sees a problem with this picture?)