On 4 August 2012 04:07, Frank Bulk <frnkblk@iname.com> wrote:
As someone else posted, many FTTH installations are centralized as much as possible to avoid having non-passive equipment in the plant, allowing for the practicality of onsite generators. That's what we do. But for those who have powered nodes in the field (distributed/tiered BPON or GPON configurations and cable plants), it's not realistic to keep them all powered. Despite what the DOT may be able to do.
If only they had some kind of copper cabling running from some kind of central location (like perhaps the same place the fiber runs to, I imagine the same buildings that the old POTS lines ran to) that went all the way out to the huts full of powered equipment (that would likely be next to the old POTS junction boxes) that as a result of their new fiber installs would have a few pairs unused, then they could possibly have hooked those up as backup power when grid power becomes unavailable for a large area (poor power distribution efficiency would probably stop you wanting to power it that way all the time).
On 8/4/12 8:44 AM, Mike Jones wrote: providing line voltage has a bit different current requirements than a remote ip dslam sitting in a hut. you're not powering something like: http://us.zyxel.com/Products/details.aspx?PC1IndexFlag=20040812100619&CategoryGroupNo=109D87CE-A152-4245-BE66-D455B07FE7A6 over 5000' of 24awg twisted pair.
It's a shame that there isn't any such copper infrastructure owned by those same companies already in place, but perhaps they could have thrown an extra copper cable in to the middle of that fiber bundle at the same time they were running it at negligible additional cost.
- Mike