This is a reminder that the OARC DNS Operations meeting takes place next Wed 4th PM and Thu 5th AM in Brooklyn NY, USA, immediately after NANOG43. The meeting will be held in Brooklyn College, NY, about 5 miles from the NANOG venue, and is open to all. Meeting information is at: http://public.oarci.net/dns-operations/workshop-2008/ including an agenda for the DNS Operations Meeting now available at: http://public.oarci.net/dns-operations/workshop-2008/agenda If you are planning to attend, please can I ask you to register ASAP at: https://oarc.isc.org/register.php We still have plenty of space available for NANOG attendees as well as OARC members, but need to finalize numbers very soon. Registration is free, and I'd like to thank our sponsor VeriSign for covering meeting costs and making this possible. There is still space for additional presentations, if you have or know of material relevant to DNS Operator or Researchers to present, it would be very welcome. Please let me know ASAP, or feel free to discuss with me at NANOG. Keith Mitchell OARC Programme Manager