On Wed, 15 May 2002, Dan Hollis wrote:
On Wed, May 15, 2002 at 05:22:39PM -0700, PJ wrote:
Even more, I would hate to see the advocation of a hostile reaction to what, so far, is not considered a crime.
Feel free to go portscan some US military and federal interest networks, then. If it's not a crime, you shouldnt have any problems scanning them.
If it's a crime, someone should have no problem citing the code. If it's not a crime, than I am guilty of nothing and should have nothing to fear. Of course, in the present political climate, that's probably not the case, but it doesn't make it right. However, there is legal precident that port scanning is not illegal. There are always going to be people who are going to probe and poke, as long as there is no direct harm, who cares? Sorry, the days of people sitting in nice straight lines, only doing what you want them to do and only going where you want them to go are not yet upon us. http://online.securityfocus.com/news/126 PJ -- Aaron Gaudio "The fool finds ignorance all around him. The wise man finds ignorance within."