Not sure how dumb this question is so I'll float it here and beat any flames back with a little Godwin's Law or other Bourseyesque implements of power... I'm trying to cut a few financial corners in our remote site budgets. I have sites that are homed back to the main campus offices via ATM and other leased lines. These sites also currently have dedicated Internet access. I was doing some brain cramming re: MPLS and possibly killing our dependence on ATM by going the MPLS route over a common provider. It struck me to venture a guess as to why I couldn't utilize the same connection for both - Internet transit via the common provider as well as an MPLS mesh between all my sites and my main campuses also via that same connection with the common provider... Can someone swing the clue-by-four for me aiming for what's left of my mullet and learn me - thanks... If you feel this is OT then reply to me direct if there is other interest I will summarize... -- Rich Sena - ras@thick.net ThickNET Consulting "On the way to understanding; you understand, and forget."