Given the term "Crapaganda" I couldn't help but share this when I ran across it today: http://www.cisco.com/edu/peterpacket Enjoy :) Also,
Of course, in the end, Juniper is also vulnerable. ... Now I believe that Open Source software techniques can solve this root problem because many eyes can find more bugs. This doesn't just mean *BSD and Linux. There are also systems like OSKit http://www.cs.utah.edu/flux/oskit/ and RTAI http://www.rtai.org/ that are more appropriate for building things like routers.
But in some ways, aren't those Open Source software techniques also assisting Juniper, as JunOS is based in no small part on FreeBSD? Perhaps their hybrid of Open-Source adoption and proprietary development will take the benefits from both worlds and prove an effective method for maintaining a high level of software security. Also, what about DoD Orange Book certification? Can this kind of testing methodology be applied to routing systems as well, such as IOS? In recent years Microsoft has been releasing code for internal security audits to special customers such as large corporate partners and government. I wonder if infrastructure customers should, or could be getting similar treatment from Cisco in regards to IOS, for them to better protect their customers. (Government would apply here too.) -- Regards, Chris Gilbert IO Interactive A/S