On Wed, 3 Oct 2007, Daniel Senie wrote:
BTW, thanks for bringing this thread back to the question of creating demand for IPv6. There's plenty of anti-NAT activity on other threads. Some constructive discussion over ways to create incentives to deploy IPv6 is worthwhile. The most common argument for deployment of IPv6 is fear, as in "the sky is falling." Yeah, we all heard that, and have for a decade. Got it. Now, is there some POSITIVE reason to push IPv6? Fear is not a positive force.
Ok, I'll bite and throw out a wacky idea I've been mulling over. As the data at http://bgp.he.net/ipv6-progress-report.cgi shows for the IPv6 and IPv4 nameserver tests, some of the time IPv6 connectivity is *faster* than IPv4 connectivity (66 out of 264 test cases), because of network topology differences due to different peering and transit relationships between IPv4 and IPv6. So you could write a download accelerator for your browser that checked IPv6 vs IPv4 connectivity and used whichever was faster. With only 3 percent of neworks running IPv6 this idea is a little early, still it would be a hilarious browser plug-in. You could imagine it might even have a little "IPv6 accelerator" icon that shows up in your status bar when you've switched on the nitro. (hehehe, shaving off that extra few ms of latency, yo!) Mike. +----------------- H U R R I C A N E - E L E C T R I C -----------------+ | Mike Leber Wholesale IPv4 and IPv6 Transit 510 580 4100 | | Hurricane Electric Web Hosting Colocation AS6939 | | mleber@he.net http://he.net | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+