26 Jan
26 Jan
3:24 p.m.
So, I underestimated the popularity of the NANOG 45 meeting. <g> We've moved the streams to a SJC and NYC reflector pair. I'm too cheap to implement GSLB or bothering coordinating anycast, so you'll need to self-direct your choice of which POP you'll watch from. HD-lite streams: http://nanog-east.owhost.net:8000 http://nanog-west.owhost.net:8000 Full-HD streams: http://nanog-east.owhost.net:9000 http://nanog-west.owhost.net:9000 Of course, you'll need a player that supports mpeg TS's and h.264. Videolan VLC or Mplayer work, others, not so much. Best, -Tk