On Wed, 23 Jul 1997, netops wrote:
Does anyone know of any non-ISP companies that have decided to multi-home? Is this a major trend for non-ISP companies running mission-critical applications on the Internet?
So far, I only know of a couple, with PointCast being one of them.
The Eli Lilly pharmaceutical corporation based here in Indanapolis (www.lilly.com) is multihomed. I would assume any corporation of this scale which conducts worldwide research such as Lilly would place enough value on their internet connectivity to obtain redundant connections. Aaron Abelard / aaron@abelard.com / http://www.abelard.com/ "Nunc Lento Sunito Dicunt, Moreris" (Donne) "Lasciate tutto speranza, voiche entrate" (Dante) "kinda like a cloud i was up way up in the sky" (NIN) "Once more unto the breech, dear friend" (Shakespeare)