On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 12:08:34 +0100 Jeroen Massar <jeroen@unfix.org> wrote:
Scott Weeks wrote: [..]
I have about 100K DSL customers at this time and most all are households. 65K wouldn't cover that. At this point, I doubt that I'd require much more than just asking and making sure the person is understanding what they're asking for. Mostly, that'd be the leased line customers.
Thus why didn't you request a larger prefix from ARIN then? Clearly you can justify it.
Then again, if you are going to provide /56's to home users, nobody will think you are a bad person and most people will be quite happy already.
In your case I would then reserve (probably topdown) /48's, for the larger sites/businesses and start allocating bottom-up for /56's to endusers.
Another idea would be to give each non-/48 customer the first /56 out of each /48. If you started out with a /30 or /31 RIR block , by the time you run out of /48s, you can either start using up the subsequent /56s out of the first /48, as it's likely that the first /56 customer out of the /48 would have needed the /48 by that time. Alternatively you might have become more comfortable with giving each customer a /48, and wouldn't require any of them to renumber - they'd just have to shorten their prefix length. Regards, Mark. -- "Sheep are slow and tasty, and therefore must remain constantly alert." - Bruce Schneier, "Beyond Fear"