30 Dec
30 Dec
7:56 p.m.
On 30/Dec/19 16:23, Matt Hoppes wrote:
We saw this with Femtocells. Why build the network when the end user will build it with their broadband connection?
My point exactly. It's sneaky and, well, genius, at the same time.
With 5G - if I need fiber to the pole already and the pole has to be within. Few hundred feet of the end user, why not just deploy fiber to the home?
My point exactly. IMHO, 5G development didn't take into account the pervasiveness of fibre to the business, and the home.
Do I really need a gigabit per second on my mobile device?.
As Sean Connery's character said to Catherine Zeta-Jones' one in "Entrapment": "What can you do with seven billion that you can't do with four?" Mark.