----- Original Message ----- From: Scott McGrath <s_mcgrath@bexair.com>
The biggest problem with ORBS is the ASSUMPTION that we are all
sendmail. MANY corporate sites use SMTP gateways which do not exhibit the same behavior as sendmail for instance Notes 5.0.x will accept a UCE message and quietly drop it once it realizes that this is a UCE message if the UCE filters are enabled. This behavior will get you on the ORBS list and until Lotus creates a Notes/Domino gateway which fully emulates sendmail you cannot get off the ORBS list.
I am not an ORBS fan. However, in the interest of factual accuracy, I have not noticed this to be true (and there are Notes SMTP gateways on the network I run). Thre are some obscure relay syntaxes that can cause Notes to relay even if you have relaying disabled. If you don't take steps to eliminate those, ORBS will consider you a relay. But if you configure it to block all relaying, you will not get on ORBS, even though the Notes SMTP gateway will gladly accept a relay message, and then drop it later. You don't get on the ORBS relay list unless and until the test message actually gets relayed. -- Brett