In message <409808D0.5020408@cox.net>, "Laurence F. Sheldon, Jr." writes:
chuck goolsbee wrote:
However, up to 90% of the users *are* stupid:
Seriosuly though, the Internet might be a better place for it. After all, 90% of those "stupid" people just want email and HTTP.
Do we have a pointer to a rigorous study that indicates either assertion?
Or is it possible there are other explanations?
Don Norman has argued quite eloquently that it's a technology and human factors failure -- see, for example, http://www.interesting-people.org/archives/interesting-people/200312/msg0010... (reprinted from RISKS Digest). Now, I'm not saying that it's easy to get things like this right, and I've argued loudly against the notion that auto-patching is a sane approach. But if we deny that there's a problem except for "stupid people", we're not likely to find a solution. --Steve Bellovin, http://www.research.att.com/~smb