The following message has been sent to ANS to formally issue the 60 day termination notice for the NSFNET Backbone Service. Many of you already depend on an alternate network for your primary communication path, but this is the final step in officially notifying ANS that the service will cease. It has been wonderful working with you all over the course of the NSFNET award, and we hope that we will continue our fine working relationship in the brave new world of post-NSFNET. --Elise
epg@merit.edu writes: From epg@merit.edu Tue Feb 28 12:20:56 1995 From: epg@merit.edu Date: Tue, 28 Feb 95 12:20:00 EST Message-Id: <9502281720.AA03150@pepper.merit.edu> To: becker@ans.net, dstaudt@nsf.gov, dvanbell@nsf.gov, phustone@nsf.gov Subject: 60 Day Termination Notice Cc: ema@merit.edu, epg@merit.edu, ittai@ans.net
Dear Jordan, It is with mixed feelings that Merit sends this notification to ANS to terminate the NSFNET Backbone Service at the following locations:
ENSS 128 Palo Alto April 30, 1995 midnight PST ENSS 129 Champaign April 30, 1995 midnight CST ENSS 130 Argonne April 30, 1995 midnight CST ENSS 131 Ann Arbor April 30, 1995 midnight EST ENSS 132 Pittsburgh April 30, 1995 midnight EST ENSS 133 Ithaca April 30, 1995 midnight EST ENSS 134 Cambridge April 30, 1995 midnight EST ENSS 135 San Diego April 30, 1995 midnight PST ENSS 136 College Park April 30, 1995 midnight EST ENSS 137 Princeton April 30, 1995, midnight EST ENSS 139 Houston April 30, 1995, midnight CST ENSS 140 Lincoln April 30, 1995, midnight CST ENSS 141 Boulder April 30, 1995, midnight MST ENSS 142 Salt Lake City April 30, 1995, midnight MST ENSS 143 Seattle April 30, 1995, midnight PST ENSS 144 Moffett Field April 30, 1995, midnight PST ENSS 145 College Park April 30, 1995, midnight EST ENSS 146 DC April 30, 1995, midnight EST ENSS 147 MFS April 30, 1995, midnight EST
This notification also pertains to the cessation of NSFNET Backbone Service at the Ameritech, MFS, PacBell, and Sprint Network Access Points. A termination notice was issued previously for ENSS 138 (Atlanta) so that node is not included in this termination notice.
It is sad to note that at midnight in each respective time zone, the service that Merit, ANS, IBM, and MCI have collaborated to provide over the last seven years will cease to exist. It is also with pleasure that we complete this grand experiment on such a successful note. I think that this partnership has succeeded beyond any of our dreams. It has been fun!