On 5/11/23 13:45, Etienne-Victor Depasquale via NANOG wrote:
To clarify the table I linked to in the previous email:
Cisco estimates IP traffic exchanged over the access network by both businesses and consumers with:
• endpoints over managed networks and • endpoints over unmanaged networks (“Internet traffic”).
Both the mobile access network and the fixed access network are considered.
Cisco considers IP traffic over managed networks to be characterized by passage through a single service provider. Without explicitly referring to quality of service (QoS), the implication is clearly that the traffic is controlled to meet the QoS demanded by the service level agreement (SLA).
So either Cisco think/though that the only operators worth surveying/predicting were the large ones (NTT, Telia, Tata, Lumen, Cogent, e.t.c.), or that on-net MPLS/VPN traffic was more significant than public IP Transit both in terms of revenue and strategic direction of the operators they surveyed/predicated. Either way, I'd imagine any results based on those data points would be incomplete, at least from a real-world standpoint.
In contrast, “Internet traffic” crosses provider domains; typically, this traffic is delivered on the basis of providers’ best effort. These two kinds of traffic complement one another and collectively are referred to as total global IP traffic.
In the IP space, this traffic type is quickly exceeding any historically significant MPLS/VPN traffic, if it hasn't already. Mark.