Yes, but even geektools falls flat on it's face for lets say :sigh: I really wish we could get a common format for these. I really like the ripe style databases. Jason --- Jason Slagle - CCNA - CCDA Network Administrator - Toledo Internet Access - Toledo Ohio - raistlin@tacorp.net - jslagle@toledolink.com - WHOIS JS10172 -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GE d-- s:+ a-- C++ UL+++ P--- L+++ E- W- N+ o-- K- w--- O M- V PS+ PE+++ Y+ PGP t+ 5 X+ R tv+ b+ DI+ D G e+ h! r++ y+ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ On Sun, 22 Oct 2000, Joe Shaw wrote:
Yes, there is. Use the Geektools whois proxy at whois.geektools.com. You can also get the perl source and setup your own proxy, since they only allow something like 10 or so queries a day. I've used their source in a few tools and have had no real problems with it.
Of course, once the technological means are taken care of you still have to have reliable contact information in the database, and someone who'll actually read your complaint and respond in an acceptable amount of time.