Michael Sinatra wrote:
active class newsgroups. As you can see from examples such as CS 61a ( https://groups.google.com/group/ucb.class.cs61a/about?pli=1),
Can someone help out mrshare? https://groups.google.com/group/ucb.class.cs61a/browse_frm/month/2010-08 The above link and this one are a fitting illustration of what has happened to usenet in the last decade and a half...
"systemy" network engineers out there. I enjoy running DNS, NTP, and other system-based network services an much as I like configuring routers. I think running USENET a while back had a lot to do with that.
For the last 2 decades or so I have repeatedly tried to "get into" usenet. But every time I loose interest and give up. I am not entirely sure why because it can be a great source of information and to communicate. It's probably a combination of signal to noise ratio, epic flame wars, the user interface of many clients and the actual size (information overload ;-). But I am glad there exists something beyond "the web". Greetings, Jeroen -- Earthquake Magnitude: 5.2 Date: Friday, March 30, 2012 19:51:04 UTC Location: Bougainville region, Papua New Guinea Latitude: -6.6076; Longitude: 154.5824 Depth: 45.70 km