In article <A088046F-DA64-4676-9C7B-5313F9145A3C@muada.com>, Iljitsch van Beijnum <iljitsch@muada.com> writes
I'm not sure why exactly you want to know how much space goes to how many organizations
Several days ago, it seemed to me that Stephen Sprunk suggested that it would only take a change of policy of a handful of large ISPs (I'm carefully using new words here), to think "party's over" and start converting their users to 10/8 addresses, and therefore 90% of the demand for new allocations dries up. On the other hand, if the 90% of allocations are going to (large) new entrants, and others with a less homogenous or convertible user base, the demand might not dry up so suddenly.
We know that pretty much 10% of the requests is responsible for 90% of the address space. So apparently 90% of the address space is going to at most 10% of the LIRs.
What we haven't established yet is whether this is the same 10% that already had 90% of the allocations (from last century), growing their empire, or new kids on the block. -- Roland Perry