When, do you think, will IPv6 come someywhere close to being significantly deployed?
When IPv6 offers something end users or ISPs value over IPv4+NAT.
Hah, interesting thought! :-) Perhaps we should push for people to use the IPv4+NAT kludge, which may turn around and fuel IPv6 deployment as people discover the crippled functionality with widespread deployment. Two seperately NAT'ed hosts don't communicate enough today for more than a "priviledge few" to discover all the issues with it. Then again, I don't believe pain is the best way to induce change, but it does seem to work remarkably efficient at times. -- Christian Kuhtz, Sr. Network Architect Architecture, BellSouth.net <ck@arch.bellsouth.net> -wk, <ck@gnu.org> -hm Atlanta, GA "Speaking for myself only."