-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On 8/15/2011 2:24 AM, Owen DeLong wrote:
What does it say that the same thing happens in IPv4?
I really don't see a significant difference in that regard.
I will admit to not having run the numbers and trying to compare IPv4 protocol-specific discussion threads vs. IPv6, but it certainly "feels" like there are more. My feeling is also that the IPv6 discussions are much more fundamental, in that they're discussing basic deployment strategies, etc. But it could all be selection bias because it's prominent in the collective mindset, I'll grant you that.
Yes, IPv6 is currently a little less fully baked than IPv4. IPv4 is 20 years older than IPv6, so I say that's to be somewhat expected.
Point taken. Anyone have time to try to do a long-term comparative study of discussions on deployment strategies and things like NAT, DHCP, etc, for IPv4 vs. IPv6, factoring in the differing levels of overall Internet adoption at the time of IPv4 adoption vs. IPv6, etc? If so, I have a few other tasks I'd love to have you do... :) As others have said, I guess what it really shows is that nothing ever really changes, and no one (protocol designers, IETF folks, operators, router vendors, etc) is perfect, despite our best efforts to be. :) Regards, Tim - -- Tim Wilde, Senior Software Engineer, Team Cymru, Inc. twilde@cymru.com | +1-630-230-5433 | http://www.team-cymru.org/ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iEYEARECAAYFAk5JjEYACgkQluRbRini9thaIwCggaprPoquYDvQ3b4Pp53qfe43 KlAAoIWjjr5ItnWdMcIOW7Fc9rvbPRfw =M9lE -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----