What's the intended use of the Circuit ID? Internal ID, Stickered Customer CPE; Planning to carry other carriers circuits? With so many virtual components in circuits now, Where the circuit ID used to have some useful information, it's been largely reduced to a minimum amount of information that can get a customer/service tech in touch with the right tech support group. It's a-typical to provide a circuit-id for residential customers, they're typically reserved for business class services although there isn't anything that would prevent it other than managing the data/changes. 29/EC00/123456/002/MYCO/0 (prefix 2) usually a form of where the service originates (Commonly where the IP address is provisioned) Service type - format is up to the circuit owner. A common syntax is: First digit identifies the service delivery type - E = Ethernet A=ATM S=Sonet P=PON ... Second digit identifies the physical delivery type. A=64K B=1.5Mbps C=25Mbps D=45Mbps(STS1) E=100Mbps F=155Mbps(oc3) G=100Mbps H=466Mbps(oc9) I=622Mbps(oc12) J=1Gbps K=1.5Gbps L=2.5G M=10Gbps (oc192) N=13Gbps(oc255) O=25gpbs P=40Gbps(OC768) Q=100G ... Third and fourth digits identify the fractional provisioned rate as a % 00=100% 10=10% 25=25% Serial number - 6 digit alphanumeric serial number usually encoded with cust/location/ Suffix - used if cust/location for circuit count. Or generically as circuit count. (customer has 2 10G) Company Code - use up to 4 letter (this is the controller of the circuit) Segment - if it's a multi-segment circuit. Occasionally used to denote if a circuit is protection. -----Original Message----- From: NANOG [mailto:nanog-bounces@nanog.org] On Behalf Of Colton Conor Sent: Monday, August 21, 2017 2:26 PM To: NANOG Subject: Creating a Circuit ID Format We are building a new fiber network, and need help creating a circuit ID format to for new fiber circuits. Is there a guide or standard for fiber circuit formats? Does the circuit ID change when say a customer upgrades for 100Mbps to 1Gbps port? What do the larger carriers do? Any advice on creating a circuit ID format for a brand new fiber network? Originally we ran a CLEC using a LECs copper, and our circuit ID was historically a telephone number for DSL circuits. The ILEC had a complex method for assigning circuit IDs. I am sure anything will work as long as you keep track of it, but any advice would be great!