On Thu, 19 Dec 2013, Lee Howard wrote:
I am strongly considering having my upstreams to simply rate limit ipv4 UDP. It is the simplest solution that is proactive.
What are the prospects for ipv6 UDP not suffering the same fate?
Roughly 0%, but there's so little v6 traffic compared to v4, you probably don't have to worry about v6 attack traffic yet...particularly if you're not dual stack yet. :)
-1 uninsightful
Can't find any public data showing IPv6 as a percent of total bits, but it's certainly a meaningful percent of hits in many countries and networks.
See also http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-gont-opsec-ipv6-implications-on-ipv4-nets- 00 which describes risks from IPv6 to people who think they are running an IPv4-only network.
Apparently your humor detector is defective. It was meant as a jab at the poor adoption of IPv6. I'd hope that most people on NANOG would know if they're actually doing any IPv6. I know there's more v6 where I am now, but at a previous employer, out of hundreds of hosting and colo customers, I think the ones who'd even asked about IPv6 could be counted on my fingÂers, and the ones actually doing v6 on one hand. AFAIK, my cable internet provider still isn't offering it...so if I wanted it at home, I'd have to tunnel someplace else. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jon Lewis, MCP :) | I route | therefore you are _________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________