aol/google/content-provider-foo might provide exclusive content for a higher (or lower) price than to normal folks, it also might be bitten by the lose of potential customers that way :( This sounds like a business decision not a legislative one, eh?
Connection web site, should Disney be required to offer it to all Internet users equally? The NFL offers its Sunday Ticket exclusively through DirecTV? Or must the NFL offer the same content to every network?
no one cares about football... Now, hockey! That's a sport that everyone should get access to! :)
<insert tongue in cheek here> I, for one, welcome Christopher Morrow, and Sean Donelan as my new monopoly overlords. I'd like to remind him that as a trusted former associate/acquaintance, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves. </insert tongue in cheek here> And yes, it has been done to death... I am not proud...