On Monday, February 17, 1997 12:02 PM, Justin W. Newton[SMTP:justin@erols.com] wrote: @ At 07:48 PM 2/16/97 -0500, Avi Freedman wrote: @ >It seems to me, Jim, that a reasonable person would assume that he allows @ >access to the services that it's supposed to provide (DNS), but reserves @ >the right to 'F'ilter services that are immaterial to the DNS functionality. @ @ I think actually the question that Jim was asking is whether Paul filters @ access to the root name server he runs based on his Spam Blacklist. It @ seems to be a valid question. @ @ Justin Newton @ Network Architect @ Erol's Internet Services @ @ Justin, Since everyone has chosen to delete the context let's summarize: Someone claimed that they could not access the public Root Name Server operated by Paul Vixie and supported by the U.S. Government and the National Science Foundation via the InterNIC by the inclusion of the address of that server in the root.cache file provided by the NSF/InterNIC. Paul Vixie, the sys admin, for that server replied that he could not see why this would be the case. I asked Paul if he ever filters people's traffic to that public Root Name Server. There has been no answer. In my opinion, the U.S. Government and the NSF need to investigate these matters. If that Root Name Server is no longer valid, the U.S. Government and the NSF should not be endorsing it. ISPs rely on the reliable, stable, secure Root Name Servers and they rely on the U.S. Government to provide them with information on which servers are reliable. -- Jim Fleming Unir Corporation e-mail: JimFleming@unety.net JimFleming@unety.s0.g0 (EDNS/IPv8)