10 Jan
10 Jan
7:15 a.m.
On (2013-01-09 23:17 +0000), Dobbins, Roland wrote:
Flow telemetry export - many of these so-called 'management' ports can't be used to export flow, oddly enough.
That is task for on-band interfaces, which attach to your forwarding-logic. OOB is separate component, really only relying on same powersupply, it's key value that it is not fate-sharing any more than absolutely must with host. To export flow, you need port to be connected to your forwarding hardware, not control-plane and certainly not OOB management-plane. The port sole purpose is disaster recovery, it's like NG RS232 port, it would not be used as your day to day port to configure the box. Cheack Cisco's "CMP" this is what we need. -- ++ytti