At 01:42 AM 9/30/99 -0400, you wrote:
Which Montville? There are two townships named Montville in Northern Ohio, one 30 miles east of Cleveland in the corner of Geauga County, the other one about the same distance *west* of Cleveland in Lorain county.
Can't speak for the Montville in Lorain County, but my parents live in the Montville in Geauga County. I'd be extremely interested in knowing what's going on out there. I want to know exactly what's going on that would require digging in the middle of nowhwere. :)
-- North Shore Technologies JustTheNet Dialup Internet Access
There is rumor that they found Jimmy Hoffa's DNA while doing some US Army Corps of Engineers ground samples. They're trying to dig him up so put him on trial post-*HUMOROUSLY*... They're pretty sure his rotting corpse is the cause of this weeks cancer scare at the local highschool.