Since the NANOG room block is already full at the Renaissance Washington D.C. Hotel on _only_ Saturday, October 21, a block of rooms, at a discounted rate, has now been reserved at the following hotel for Saturday night only: Marriott at Metro Center 775 12th Street NW Washington, DC 20005 URL: http://www.marriotthotels.com/WASMC/ Phone: 202-737-2200 Toll Fee: 800-228-9290 Room Block Name: NANOG Date Available October 21 (Saturday) Rate: $169 (single & double) Cut-off date: September 21 This hotel is two blocks away from the NANOG meeting site, the Renaissance Washington D.C. Hotel. Carol Wadsworth Merit Network, Inc. ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Date: Wed, Aug 16, 2000 4:31 PM -0400 From: Carol Wadsworth <carolw@merit.edu> To: nanog-announce@merit.edu Subject: NANOG 20 Meeting Information -- Registration Open **************************** NANOG 20 Meeting Information **************************** All, Registration is now open for the Fall NANOG 20 meeting, October 22-24, at the Renaissance Washington D.C. Hotel. The meeting will be hosted by America Online. ---------------------- Registration ---------------------- https://www.merit.edu/nanog/registration.form.html ---------------------- Hotel Reservations ---------------------- Renaissance Washington D.C. Hotel 999 9th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20001-4427 Direct Hotel Reservations: 202-898-9000 Central Reservations: 800-228-9290 Room Block Name: NANOG Dates Available: October 21-24 Rate: $169/single; $189/double Cut-off date: September 21 ---------------------- Call for Presentations ---------------------- Submission deadline: September 11 http://nanog.org/mtg-0010/call20.html http://nanog.org/mtg-0010/call20.pdf Hope to see you in Washington, D.C! Carol Wadsworth Merit Network, Inc. ---------- End Forwarded Message ----------