"Christopher A. Woodfield" wrote:
In addition to Genuity's three /8s, and the /8s allocated to Apple Computer, HP, Ford, GE, Interop Show Network (who are they?), Boeing,
Interop is the Networld+Interop conference show network. It used to be simply Interop. I don't remember what the largest peak count of addresses used at any one time have been, but I'm fairly certain that it has easily numbered into the thousands for most of the recent U.S. based shows. A team of people build a very sizable, temporary network to support each show. The addresses are used for vendor booths, classrooms, attendees and more test/research-oriented areas (e.g. the iLabs pavilion). Its change a bit since the earlier days, but there are still parts of the network that are quite interesting. If you ever have a chance, its worth learning about. As long as the show continues in this present form, I think their space (45/8) is still justified. Although it is probably worth questioning from time to time. John