Adrian Chadd wrote:
On Sun, Jun 03, 2007, Jeroen Massar wrote:
The magic answer to training setups: one big fat Xen box with a lot of VM's, virtual interfaces and of course: Quagga.
It looks like a Cisco, it feels like a Cisco, it is almost a Cisco.
..oooor http://www.ipflow.utc.fr/index.php/Cisco_7200_Simulator
Which is a great thing, but license-way quite useless, as it still means that you will have to have an official license for each IOS you run, and as IOS comes with a box, you would either be able to run your real 7200, or the simulated one. Or does anyone know where you can get IOS-only licenses so that you can run it on simulators? Same goes for the Vendor J simulation/training thing that doesn't exist. When you are on the cheap and do not want to break any laws / want-vendor-x- to-ignore-you-for-the-rest-of-your-life then you better play it on the safe side and get proper licensing. At a certain point you will be more than comfortable with the cli anyway and configuring ethernet ports. There are afaik not many options to configure other types of ports on simulated hardware / quagga's though. Greets, Jeroen