I must not be on enough or the right lists...but what's the deal with worldnic.com? I'd not heard anything about it until today. I tried to move a domain (a .org domain) for a customer today, and got the following reply from domreg@internic.net:
Thank you for contacting Network Solutions, Inc., InterNIC Registration Services.
The domain name you are attempting to update was registered through WorldNIC Services and should be updated via the following URL:
I got one of those two last night. I wouldn't consider it half as atrocious as it is, though, if it was actually possible to find information about what exactly this worldnic thing is and does on the web site!
This looks like Network Solutions taking advantage of its position as controller of the big three commercially used TLDs to find new ways to dip their fingers into another part of the pie...perhaps in anticipation of losing their monopoly on domain registrations.
Since they are charging $119, which is move than the InterNIC fee, that must be how they 'legalize' it. The normal fee goes to Internic, and Worldnic keeps the rest. (And it's not supposed to matter in some fictitious world that Worldnic and Internic are both Netsol) -Phil