Mark Owen wrote:
On 2/10/06, Mark Foster <blakjak@blakjak.net> wrote:
Particularly, we're seeing gmail deliver multiple instances of a message from a gmail subscriber to a mailing list server...
Well, doubled instances, yes. Multiple instances, no.
I read this, and it sounds like you're talking about the duplicate message problem, which I've noted on multiple lists, for, oh, six months, maybe a year.
Gmails website didn't list any suitable NOC-type contact addresses, nor are there any on the NOC list site.
As a subscriber that interacts on multiple lists, as well as the occasional personal e-mail I'll send out to friends and family, no one has ever reported that they are receiving multiple instances of my e-mails. I have also never received multiple e-mails from other gmail users directly or through a list.
I've seen just exactly this problem on many of the mailing lists that I'm on (although it's only been two copies, not multiple copies). I've seen surmises that suggest it *is* a proxying problem. In these cases, where I've been interested to examine the headers, the message ID is always the same; proxies are always different (i.e. Google/Gmail is the one choosing to send it out twice). I believe that this may have been reported to gmail-support@google.com (the only address that I know of that you may report this type of thing to). It may be an oddity of the mailing list software itself. I have never heard of an instance where an interchange between a gmail user and a single person, or persons, created more than one copy. It also seems to me that when I've seen this error, it has been on a list using either Majordomo or Mailman. I've not seen it on any other lists. It does not appear to be related to the size of the list's subscribers, since one of the lists I've seen this on averages about 200 members, and another is in the thousands. Just another data point. -- "It is necessary to the happiness of man, that he be mentally faithful to himself. Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving, it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe." Thomas Paine