Justin Shore wrote:
The vast majority, I'm sorry to say, used Microsoft Exchange which to the best of my knowledge doesn't support RFC2476.
You can configure exchange to use additional smtp virtual servers and bind them to specific ports. You can also require authentication to access the ports and you can restrict it to users. You can also enable it for STARTTLS. What I dont know is whether Exchange has or ever will support SMTPS which is strange considering many versions of outlook default to try that for any secured port other than 25.
I wish more people would use it though. My users wouldn't have cause to get so upset when I tell them that they have to pay monthly for a static IP to use tcp/25. It would reduce my hassles a wee bit.
I have many a time recommended consulting customers to follow up with their mail provider to see if they has any plans to support the rfc standard, but I dont share much enthusiasm for complete adoption. I do believe it is getting better.