Okey. I am just looking for clarification. Vadim's statement seemed to either indicate that ANS was not a "large service provider" or that NSSes were no longer part of ANS's backbone. I am certainly in no position to know how to classify "large service provider" unless we look at the NSF NSP definition as a metric. If there is another objective definition, I'd be happy to hear about it. As for the NSSes no longer being in the ANS backbone, it is clear that ANS is using some Cisco products, but it is also clear there are still some CNSSes that Cisco didn't build. -- Stan | Academ Consulting Services |internet: sob@academ.com Olan | For more info on academ, see this |uucp: bcm!academ!sob Barber | URL- http://www.academ.com/academ |Opinions expressed are only mine.