Nice interpretation of my statement.. A reasonable effort and a contractual guarantee are two different things, a reasonable effort could be defined as economicly feasable for instance. My point was that in Cogents case this is really a force majeure situation and in Sprints case unless you have a contract that defines an SLA with delivery to "the entire Internet" or something similar you do not really have case to break your contract or sue due to the de-peering as a breach of contract from Sprints side.. ------------------------------ Anders Lindbäck anders.lindback@dnz.se On 2 nov 2008, at 16.39, Joe Greco wrote:
Well, selling you an "unlimited" account and them terminating that contract if you use "to much" is one thing, that is a stated lack of a limit in your contract.
There is no delivery guarantee of your IP packets in your contract, adding one would be a rather bad idea since there is no delivery guarantee in IP that your service is based on and that would open a carrier to liabilities if someone was using a firewall for instance since that is effectivly limiting your delivery to that machine.
What you are buying is access to Sprints network, and transit effectivly on Sprints view of the Internet, and that is what they deliver really..
Based on that logic, it sounds like a fine time for me to get into the wireless market. I can save a ton of money by getting a 56k dialup line to $9.95/mo-company as an upstream connection, and just saying that I don't guarantee delivery of packets, and if my upstream service gets terminated for some reason, hey, my view of the Internet is pretty small.
Come on. Really, an ISP has to make a reasonable effort to be able to reach other arbitrary destinations on the Internet. That they might not be able to promise access to obscure networks in the farthest portions of China on the end of two tin cans and a string is obvious. But when they can't get traffic across the street because they're actively buggering routes from an AS, well, that's different.
... JG -- Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - http:// www.sol.net "We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e- mail spam(CNN) With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.