Sanjay Dani(maillists) <indus@professionals.com> wrote:
Heh. That's an example of how stupid technology is being preserved by stupid legistlation. The laws regarding POTS are generally legal fixes for techincal problems (like inability to block annoying calls).
Forgotten the syn flood attack so quickly? Heard of IP spoofing?
How long did it take for OS vendors to come up with fixes? A week. And for how long telcos can't do anything about annoying calls? A hundred years. That only confirms my point.
That does not make your one sided arguments stand any more than they did. Goes to prove experience does not necessarily equate insight into all aspects of the business. You have a stake in perpetuating the status quo. Me in changing it because it doesn't make sense.
Sorry, to me what you tell does not make sense. If you want to change things you need to come up with something which actually works and build it. Then you'll get all the stake and will be as interested in perpetuating status quo. (BTW, hey, Sprint, where's my stake?)
No, it is beginning to suck. Have you checked reliability of the backbones lately?
I started a company to _do_ something about it, ok?
Sigh.. old hats like you have a hard time realizing that old models have to, and will, change.
I suspect that i'm younger. I simply have better tuned B.S. detectors. Reading Pravda helps to learn that things often aren't what they appear to be.
PS. This is my last email on this topic.
Thank you very much. --vadim