Subject: beware of CRL! you are LOOSING EMAIL and LOOSING CONTACTS Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 00:21:26 -0600 Message-ID: <887350032.1587019783@dejanews.com> Newsgroups: ba.internet,alt.internet,alt.internet.access,alt.internet.commerce,alt. internet. providers.america,alt.internet.services Organization: Deja News Posting Service Path: news.iswest.net!news-spur1.maxwell.syr.edu!news.maxwell.syr.edu!logbrid ge.uorego n.edu!nntp2.dejanews.com!grunt.dejanews.com!not-for-mail X-Article-Creation-Date: Fri Feb 13 06:07:13 1998 GMT X-Authenticated-Sender: dabao38@hotmail.com X-Http-User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95) X-Originating-IP-Addr: (sf-pm10-18-242.dialup.slip.net) Lines: 43 Xref: news.iswest.net ba.internet:34461 alt.internet:15772 alt.internet.commerce:62928 alt.internet.providers.america:1533 alt.internet.services:135128
Why C R L SUCKS AND YOU TOO SHOULD DROP THEM: 1) Your email address at CRL only works with the portion of the world THEY like. Did you know
Thought this might interest some of you guys, especially those at CRL and one other fella...... >;) BTW, I am the messenger, not the author..... -Steve. From: dabao38@hotmail.com they
block off many servers and all of their users from being able to reach you because someone onced might have used that machine to send commercial email? And they will NOT tell you this nor admit to it until you've mysteriously lost touch with your contacts and loved ones. A few examples: kiss your love ones goodbye from hotmail.com, juno.com, hinet.net (this would be the entire nation for Taiwan). They say they are doing this to fight spam, ironically a lot of spam is actually generated from CRL. More like kissing up to this self appointed Internet Lord Paul Vixie who runs the Real Time Blackhole List (the list which does this emai censoring and blocking, with out any concern for end users' connectivity). This guy prettymuch figured he has the power to decide who you can and can not get email from. And they are banking on you NOT FINDING OUT about it. And guess what, my spam has not decreased, but actually increased since they used this none-selective block.. they did managed to cut me off from my important contacts, but not spam. 2) Try it. Their Dial up in San Francisco and Southbay hang up on you or do not answer 70% of the time during prime time and 50% during off peak (this was my experience, not scientific.. but still). They refuse to upgrade beyond 28.8k (spending all the money they made on the fat corporate job hogs). 3) Tech support? What tech support? When I confronted them about the missing email they actually yelled at me (after 10-15 emails to get a response, phone calls? forget it..) and told me it was my contacts' fault that they subscribed to the "bad, bad spamming company for ISP). Imagin if your phone company told you you can not get calls from your mom because she lives in an area with a phone company they did not like.. Since when did CRL figure out dictatorship was in again? 4)They will NOT cancel your service and will keep on charging your credit card... Many other users complained about this, it was even mentioned in PC Magazine's ISP review. There are many more reasons why they bite, but I really do not want to waste my energy over those bastards anymore. I am actually the last of my associates to drop their service because I do not want to change my email and web address for the sake of business (I've already spent a lot on printing them on all kinds of materials). Face it, CRL has gotten fat off of it's customers, now it is screwing them. The email block was what really did it. How would you like a phone service (especially for business) that can only take calls from a PART of the country and the world? Email me if you want to start a class action lawsuit against them.
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