On Tue, 3 May 2005, Gadi Evron wrote:
Thats right. That's why I debunk them. The lying children call me names. They really hate it when you debunk their fallacies.
Vixie is a "screamer", like John Bolton. I'd love to say "procmail Vixie", but he has too much control over DNS root servers to ignore him. I did that back in the early 90's. He was a jerk then, and I decided I had better things to do, than work on DNS.
But his judgement is so poor (on so many subjects) that he needs close supervision, regardless of how detestable his personal behavior is. Indeed, his detestable behavior over the years is what has caused people not to want to deal with him or his bad judgements.
Okay. Paul is an asshole. You got your point across. Now what? Did you prove him wrong? You going to such a personal level on-list makes you a **** (chose 4 letter word).
That's rich. People are posting ad hominems of me. By contrast, my criticims of Paul's personal problems are not ad hominem. "Ad hominem" means attacking the messenger. That's what Paul and a few other people are doing to me. However, most of the others have no position of trust, and so their childish behavior, while inappropriate, is essentially meaningless and harmless. My comments about Paul's personality are about what his ad hominems reveal about his personal judgement and character. This is not an ad hominem. I _don't_ say he doesn't have a right to his opinion because he's an asshole or idiot or anything that is similar to what is being said about me. I say that personal judgement and character is an issue for someone in control of critical infrastructure. Paul is in control of a root nameserver. His personal judgement and character is a valid concern. His (mis)behavior is reflective on his personal judgement and character. So far as the technical arguments go, I've already won all of the arguments I've presented here in the last few days in other forums where people aren't allowed to resort to ad hominems and then run off. When they are forced (either by their lawyers or by other protocol) to address technical issues honestly, they have lost on each of these questions. Basically, when the discussion degenerates to "dean is a troll", on a forum like this, it means they've run out of ideas, but don't want to concede anything, and are looking to divert attention to something else. And of course, one can't make someone (on a forum like this, anyway) concede anything, and they wouldn't do so willingly. --Dean -- Av8 Internet Prepared to pay a premium for better service? www.av8.net faster, more reliable, better service 617 344 9000