In message <Pine.LNX.4.44.0508041931430.1697-100000@server2.tcw.telecomplete.ne t>, "Stephen J. Wilcox" writes:
2. We know cable companies, dsl providers and mobile companies can use this ma ny IPs, but they generally seem to make use of NAT and IPv6. If everyone in this category who could justify a /8 applied and received them we might be in real trouble with our IPv4 space.
I had said elsewhere this was unprecedented but was then pointed at, which is Comcast assigned in April. I'm surprised none of these assignemtns have shown up on mailing lists..
When it comes to Comcast, I'm just an ordinary residential subscriber, but they don't use NAT for subscriber addresses as best I can tell. Certainly, I've never been given one, asked about one, etc. --Steven M. Bellovin, http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb