Jeremiah You might also want to look at CNR (Cisco Network Registrar) . It also will provide provisioning capability when combined with LDAP server. It has had the capability for awhile. It is also part of Cisco's CSRC package. "Cisco Subscriber Registration Center (CSRC) is an integrated suite of software modules that allows large-scale configuration and management of broadband modems. Leveraging the extensibility of Cisco Network Registrar, CSRC enables and administers subscriber self-registration" _Thomas At 11:42 AM 8/31/99 -0400, Jeremiah Kristal wrote:
Thanks for the info. I was actually just looking for QIP when I got your email.
On Tue, 31 Aug 1999, Muir, Ron wrote:
QIP is IP management software, it also has a Provisioning Module that will allocate IPs based on the rules you set up. It also does DNS management. QIP is a Lucent product (they bought the company last year), the URL is below.
Ron ______________________ Ron Muir IP Administration BellSouth.net ron.muir@corp.bellsouth.net <<<<<PLEASE NOTE ADDRESS CHANGE>>>>> (770)522-6363
:-----Original Message----- :From: Jeremiah Kristal [mailto:jeremiah@fs.IConNet.NET] :Sent: Monday, August 30, 1999 6:32 PM :To: nanog@merit.edu :Subject: IP allocation software : : : :Back in early '98 there was a rather limited discussion on the :availability (or lack) of software to manage IP allocations in a CIDR :world. The concensus at the time was that nothing really :existed, other :than homebuilt products. Has anyone come out with a commerical or :non-commercial solution since then? : : : :Jeremiah Kristal :Qwest Internet Solutions :Manager, Network Services :201-319-5764 :x284 internal : :
Jeremiah Kristal Qwest Internet Solutions Manager, Network Services 201-319-5764 x284 internal
=======================thomas@ccci.com================================== Thomas Novak Senior Consultant Chesapeake Computer Consultants, Inc. 410.280.8840 X 3074 275 West Street Plaza 70 410.280.8859 Fax Annapolis, MD 21401 781.846.8582 E-Fax Chesapeake Computer Consultants, Inc. 440.247.6555 Direct 60 Park Lane 440.247.9379 Fax Moreland Hills, Ohio 44022 440.725.1366 Mobile ======================http://www.ccci.com/ =================================