On Sun, 9 Mar 1997, David R. Conrad wrote:
The way I see it, it is worth no more than $10,000. As that is what ARIN is going to charge any corp to get a Class B.
How much is your time (spent making up and writing the justification for a class B) worth?
I think you miss my point, since the ARIN is for all intents and purposes selling address space, who are they to say no? Apparently someone made a case for a class B at one time or another, no longer needs it (for whatever reason) and wants to pass it on to someone else and make a little profit in at the same time. Now granted, I don't neccessarily agree with what they're doing, but I certainly can't say anything 'wrong' about it either. I mean, lets think about this for a second. Say I 'own' the fictional block, its swipped to me, everything is in order as it should be. I decide for whatever reason to turn off my routers, sell my equipment and move to the Caymans to enjoy the rest of my life. I now have two choices, 1: Return my block to ARIN, or 2: Sell my block to someone else and make a small (or large for that matter, I'm sure I could sell it for a interesting sum of money) profit. scenario 1: It gets returned and some other poor fool has to jump through flaming hoops and surive a pool of toxic waste to get a few IPs. scenario 2: I change all the records to point to them, swip it out to them, basically do everything needed to make them the legitimate 'owners' of that block, they pay me a nice lump of cash and we're both happy. As I see it, changing ownership of IPs is no different than changing ownership of a domain. [-] Brett L. Hawn (blh @ nol dot net) [-] [-] Networks On-Line - Houston, Texas [-] [-] 713-467-7100 [-]