On Thu, 30 Jun 2005, Brad Knowles wrote:
I've done a look-see around my network and acquaintances a while ago, and among them were quite a few mailers, all of which supported not only alternate ports, but also SMTP AUTH. MSA support is far more available than this classic FUD.
Your network and your acquaintances don't count. They're much more technically competent than the average Internet user.
And Grandma Ann and her knitting circle aren't. Yeah, yeah, I've heard this all before dozens of times, and the fact of the matter is that there are a lot of ignorant folks in my family, and I did not set up, nor do I maintain, any of their equipment or software. Of course, by far and large, they use the crappy MUA which ships with the OS I already mentioned by inference, which has long since supported alternate port submission. Rather than repeating FUD with abstractions, would you care to point out what MUAs you think still don't support a six-year-old RFC for which the major MUAs *do* already provide support?
(Heck, if the change-for-standards-at-a-snail's-pace Pacific Northwestern quasi-monopoly could get off their asses to allow alternate ports, anyone should be able to offer it by now.)
Plenty of monopoly cable and telephone operators still don't offer such services, and most will only be dragged kicking and screaming into the 1980s when they are literally given absolutely no other choice.
Um, I wasn't talking about an ISP. I was talking about the MUA with the largest market share, and most frequently found security holes, which ships with an OS I prefer not to name directly is possible. Or is that still too vague? -- -- Todd Vierling <tv@duh.org> <tv@pobox.com> <todd@vierling.name>