On Sun, Aug 30, 1998 at 08:30:50PM -0700, Brett_Watson@enron.net wrote:
well alright, they're not perfect but i seriously doubt that if an isp customer (anyone's customer) disputed pulling down a 1.5M .zip file sometime last month as part of their overall usage sensative bill that said isp could show the customer proof in the log files or captured packet traces. my only point was that we have a long way to go on the isp side.
Now doesn't that open a whole new can of worms, logging the sites that a customer hits, or worse, sniffing packets and logging them. The legality of this starts to feel a little questoinalble. I would also fear the day these 'records' were pulled into a court case, or worse... -- Steven O. Noble -- Sr. Backbone Engineer, Exodus Communications (EXDS) -- Work:408.346.2333 -- All my love to the Canadian Mooing Frog.